KR-100N Recorder communication driver is the driver to communicate with recorder controller of Konics in Japan.
<Figure 1> is read setting example of KR-100N Recorder communication driver.
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<Figure 1> Read setting example of KR-100N Recorder communication driver |
Device part of <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(4800), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively, according to controller.
Baud rate, Data bit and etc of KR-100N Recorder are fixed to 4800, 0, 8, 1.
Note) KR-100N Recorder communication driver should to set readCycle 200 or more.
KR-100N Recorder communication driver read schedule
1) Station – 0 ~ 15 station number of recorder.
2) Read command – Command = 1101 ~ 1107, 1201 ~ 120D, 1601 ~ 1606. ( refer to <Table 1> )
1101 ~ 1107, 1201 ~ 120D : Data request command,
1601 ~ 1606 : recorder status or setting request command.
3) Read channel number – 1 ~ 12( accordign to recorder) reading channel bumber. ( use channel number according to command, refer to <Table 1> )
4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.
5) Read Size – Fixed to 1.
Read schedule example)
READ, 0, 1101, 0, 0, 1,
READ, 0, 1601, 0, 1, 1,
READ, 0, 1604, 1, 2, 1,
READ, 0, 1604, 2, 3, 1,
READ, 0, 1604, 3, 4, 1,
READ, 0, 1604, 4, 5, 1,
READ, 0, 1604, 5, 6, 1,
READ, 0, 1604, 6, 7, 1,
READ, 0, 1605, 0, 8, 1,
<Table 1> is read command and contents of KR-100N Recorder communication driver.
Read command | Channel number | Contents |
Range |
1101 | don't care | read of Chart Speed |
0 ~ 7 |
1102 | read of date |
YY, MM, DD type readed value = save at save start addr + 0 ~ 2 |
1103 | read of time |
HH, mm type readed value = save at save start addr + 0 ~ 1 |
1104 | read of Print Mode |
0 ~ 2 |
1105 | cycle of Digital Memo |
0 ~ 11 |
1106 | pen Replacing status at Channel Type |
0 ~ 1 |
1107 | read of communication Slave ID(station) |
0 ~ 15 |
1201 | 1 ~ 12 ( accordign to model of recorder) | read of input type |
0 ~ 12 |
1202 ~ 3 | read of input Low/High Range |
-9.999 ~ +100.0 |
1204 ~ 5 | read of input Low/High Scale |
1206 | read of Sensor compensation value |
1207 | read of Unit Code |
0 ~ 63 ( refer to user's manual of KR-100N ) |
1208 | read of tag string |
5 character save at STRING memory |
1209 | Filter Type |
0 ~ 4 |
120A | read of Alarm Low value |
-9.999 ~ +100.0 |
120B | read of Alarm Low output relay number |
0 ~ 6 |
120C | read of Alarm High value |
-9.999 ~ +100.0 |
120D | read of Alarm high output relay number |
0 ~ 6 |
1601 | don't care | read of recorder status |
bit 0 : recorder status(0 = stop, 1 = recording) bit 4 : Paper status(0 = normal, 1 = none) bit 8~10 : recording status of recorder (0 = Normal, 1 = Digital Memo recording, 2 = List Out Printing, 3 = 1 Line character Printing, 4 = Bit Image Printing) bit 12 : operation mode(0 = run, 1 =setting) |
1602 | read of current recorder's max channel number |
1 ~ 12 |
1603 | 1 ~ 3 Channel Type Ch1, 2 : Dot Type CH 5 ~ 8/ Channel Type Ch2, 3 : Dot Type CH 9 ~ 12/ Channel Type Ch3 |
read of specific Board's room temperature compensation value |
-20.0 ~ 70.0 ¡É |
1604 | 1 ~ 12( accordign to model of recorder) | read of specific channel's current value |
-9999 ~ +9999 |
1605 | read of specific channel's Alarm status |
bit 0 : Low Alarm(0 = OFF, 1 = ON) bit 4 : High Alarm(0 = OFF, 1 = ON) |
1604 | don't care | read of Alarm output relay On/Off status |
bit 0~5 : 1~6 relay status (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) |
<Table 1> Read command and contents of KR-100N Recorder communication driver |
KR-100N Recoder communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT memory, but the data format are different.
If you click the icon in protocol option part at
<Figure 1>, you
can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by
using this part.
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<Figure 2> Example of KR-100N Recorder communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box |
You can set read schedule by using ,
button and listbox of <Figure
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<Figure 3> Example of KR-100N Recorder communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box |
When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.
You can read and write by using 'writing settings'.
Digital Write
Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value.
Analog Write
Analog write setting parameters are as follows:
1) PORT Port no. (0 ~ 255)
2) STATION 0 ~ 15 station number of recorder.
3) ADDRESS 1 ~ 12( accordign to recorder) reading channel bumber. ( use channel number according to command, refer to <Table 1>, <Table 2> )
4) Extra1 Command. ( refer to <Table 1>, <Table 2> )
1101 ~ 1107, 1201 ~ 120D : Data request command,
1601 ~ 1606 : recorder status or setting request command.
0101 ~ 0107, 0201 ~ 020D : Data setting command,
0501 ~ 0503 : Recorder control command,
0000 : System Reset command.
5) Extra2 Data saving address for read command, 1 ~ 3(default = 1) decimal point when setting command.
read command : data saving memory address,
setting command : 1 ~ 3(default = 1 ) decimal point.
Write command | Cnannel number( Address ) | Contents |
Range |
1101~1604 | refer to <Table 1> | refer to <Table 1>, Extra2 = data saving memory address for readed data |
0101 | don't care | write of Chart Speed |
0 ~ 7 |
0102 | write of date |
YYMMDD type, ex) 051121 : 05-11-21 |
0103 | write of time |
HHmm type ex) 1745 : 17:45 |
0104 | write of Print Mode |
0 ~ 2 |
0105 | write of Digital Memo cycle |
0 ~ 11 |
0106 | write of pen Replacing status at Channel Type |
0 ~ 1 |
0107 | write of communication Address |
0 ~ 15 |
0201 | 1 ~ 12( accordign to model of recorder) | write of input type |
0 ~ 12 |
0202 ~ 3 | write of input Low/High Range |
-9.999 ~ +100.0 ( decimal point = Extra2 : 1 ~ 3 ) |
0204 ~ 5 | write of input Low/High Scale |
0206 | write of Sensor compensation value |
0207 | write of Unit Code(Slave station ID) |
0 ~ 63 |
0208 | write of tag character |
0208.xxxxx xxxxx : output tag character |
0209 | write of Filter Type |
0 ~ 4 |
020A | write of Alarm Low value |
-9.999 ~ +100.0 ( decimal point = Extra2 : 1 ~ 3 ) |
020B | write of Alarm Low output relay number |
0 ~ 6 |
020C | write of Alarm High value |
-9.999 ~ +100.0 ( decimal point = Extra2 : 1 ~ 3 ) |
020D | write of Alarm high output relay number |
0 ~ 6 |
0501 | don't care | Recorder Run/Stop |
0 = Stop, 1 = Run |
0502 | Digital Memo command |
0 = Memo Stop, 1 = Memo Start |
0503 | List Out command |
0 = List Out Stop, 1 = List Out Start |
0000 | System Reset command ( Reset of recorder ) |
- |
<Table 2> Write command and contents of KR-100N Recorder communication driver |
Write example 1)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1: 1101, Extra2 : 52
The setting parameter shown above is Chart Speed reading example. After reading, the readed value save at 52 WORD, FLOAT, DWORD memory.
Write example 2)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1: 1202, Extra2 : 53
The setting parameter shown above is input Low Range reading example for 1 input channel. After reading, the readed value save at 53 WORD, FLOAT, DWORD memory.
Write example 3)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0002, Extra1: 1203, Extra2 : 54
The setting parameter shown above is input High Range reading example for 2 input channel. After reading, the readed value save at 54 WORD, FLOAT, DWORD memory.
Write example 4)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1: 0101, Extra2 : 0
The setting parameter shown above is Chart Speed(output range = 0 ~ 7) setting example.
Write example 5)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1: 0202, Extra2 : 0
The setting parameter shown above is input Low Range(output range = -9.999 ~ 100.0) setting example for 1 input channel.
Write example 6)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0002, Extra1: 0203, Extra2 : 0
The setting parameter shown above is input Low/High Range(output range = -9.999 ~ 100.0) setting example for 2 input channel.
Write example 7)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1: 0501, Extra2 : 0
The setting parameter shown above is Recorder Run/Stop(1 - Run, 0 = Stop) control example.
Write example 8)
PORT:0, station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1: 0000, Extra2 : 0
The setting parameter shown above is Recorder reset (output value = don't care) control example.
Connection of communication cable and main power are as follows.
Connection of communication cable
Please connect COMM A, B(RS-485) connector of KR-100N and +, - connector of computer such as <Figure 4>.
KR-100N ( COMM ) computer( RS-485 )
A connector ------------------------------- + connector
B connector ------------------------------- - connector
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<Figure 4> Connection example of communication cable and main power to KR-100N |
Connection of main power
Please connect 110 or 220V AC power to main power connector such as <Figure 4>.
Note) Power On/Off switch of KR-100N Recorder is in inside of printing paper slot.
KR-100N Recorder can communicate Multi-Drop by using 0 ~ 63 station ID(number).
Setting of station ID can set by using front panel switch.
1) Press 'MODE' button 9 times at operation status. Then, will be display 'iFAdd' at screen.
2) Press 'Right' button at 'iFAdd' status. Then, will be display 'Slave ID' at screen.
3) Press 'Up' button ans select 0 ~ F(15) Slave(station) ID.
4) Press 'MODE' button after selecting the 'Slave ID'.
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<Figure 5> Appearance of KR-100N Recorder |